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supplier contact form


ui/ux design

blu / suppliers platform

At Blu, we offer a platform that connects retailers to partner industries. Here, store owners can find Blu's partnering suppliers, request contact, and make purchases, taking advantage of the best conditions that Blu offers.

At Blu, our mission is to connect retailers and industries.


Our web platform is one of the ways we achieve this, providing retailers with valuable information about Blu's supplier partners, including service regions, payment terms, and other pertinent details. This allows them to take advantage of all the benefits Blu has to offer when purchasing from these partners.


To get to where we are today, we have already made a lot of adjustments since the first version (and we continue to do so). However, there is one thing that has significantly solved a problem that we used to encounter quite frequently.


the problem

At Blu, we provide recommendations of suppliers that are compatible with retailers' business segments through various points of contact, including our newsletter. In addition, we offer benefits to retailers who choose to purchase from our recommended suppliers through our platform.


Once a retailer clicks on a supplier's call-to-action (CTA), they are directed to a dedicated page with more information about that supplier. However, the problem lies in how do retailers get in touch with these recommended suppliers?

Initially, retailers had no easy way to contact the supplier and make a purchase via Blu when they arrived at the supplier's page. This was a major obstacle to achieving our main goal.


After receiving multiple messages from retailers about the need for a way to contact the suppliers, we gathered the team together to brainstorm a solution.

how we solved it

To address this issue, we conducted several brainstorming sessions and developed a user-friendly and straightforward contact form that would seamlessly guide the retailer through the process. We added a feature at the beginning to determine whether the retailer is already purchasing from the supplier, so that we could present the questions accordingly and eliminate irrelevant ones.


After numerous iterations and adjustments, we were proud to present the version 1.0 of the contact form.

To ensure that users always have easy access to it, a fixed block follows all content scrolls on the desktop version, while the responsive version features a fixed button at the bottom of the screen.


When a user clicks on the CTA ("Talk to the supplier"), they are guided through three simple steps to send a message to the supplier and request contact.


In this new page, we have included some valuable information for retailers, such as personalized recommendations for other compatible suppliers, and we have also improved the presentation of other features.

first learning

After a few days of publishing the new contact form, we have identified some areas for improvement:


1. We used an icon in the CTA that suggested chat, but it was actually a contact request.

2. The chat icon next to the text area field led some people to use it for instant messaging.


To address these issues in our first iteration, we replaced the chat button with a more direct label and created a multi-subject selection with chips for common topics based in the most common messages sent by the clients. This simplifies the process for the user as they only need to click on the topic of interest. The text area field will still be available for clients to add additional information or topics not covered by the pre-defined list.

By making this change to the contact form, we were able to implement a plan we had been considering: automating the process of sending an email to the supplier with the client's contact information. Prior to this change, we had been handling this task manually.

We integrated Ocean Design System into the platform which not only improved the visual design but also ensured consistency across Blu's products.

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